Jesus M. Fernandez, REALTOR® 786-553-7530
Morris Williams Realty: 888-326-3949

There is no town like my hometown! I have it all here!

Its more than just a real estate website!
Thank you for your interest and visiting iLoveMiamiLakes.com This website was created with you as a Miami Lakes resident in mind! The website aims to encourage residents to engage each other, through the Community Board, to enhance the hometown feeling, promote the town's business environment and to earn your trust. Our aim is to become your go-to real estate source, when you are ready to sell, purchase or lease real estate, in Miami Lakes or anywhere else.
To our knowledge, there is no other real estate website in the world exclusively dedicated to Miami Lakes real estate and the community, which offers residents and others with inside knowledge of the area, helps residents connect to local service providers, and provides real-world advice, when selling, purchasing or leasing property. Simply put, this unique, one-of-a-kind website, has it all! I encourage you to explore it's many pages and discover why it was made with you in mind!
The website encourages resident to hire their neighbors and shop local businesses. If you are looking for service providers to make repairs or upgrades to you home, the Home Services Directory features local experts, who may be your neighbor, ready to provide you with the services you need. The Professional Services Directory, will help you quickly find local providers that are specialist in their fields; from accountants to physical therapists and more.
Keeping it local. If you are a Miami Lakes resident, you can post your private properties for sale or lease for FREE, on the websites's Community Board. You can also advertise garage sales, lost & found pets, make announcements, post items for sale, personal services you offer and more. See the Community Board for more details, on this FREE community service.
The tools you need and the information you want, are all right here, to make your next sale, purchase or lease a total success! You can even search for on-market and off-market properties that are for sale, or lease in Miami Lakes or any other South Florida city.
Keeping you informed. We publish, Monthly Real Estate Market Reports, to keep you informed on our hometown's real estate sales trends and market health, in case you are thinking of selling or purchasing, in the near future. I invite you to explore the website, and see why its as unique as your hometown, Miami Lakes. You are going to love everything we do!

My name is Jesus M. Fernandez, I was blessed to live, work and play in my forever hometown of Miami Lakes, where I happily resided with my family for more than 20 years. Although I no longer live in Miami Lakes, I still work for all the wonderful people of my forever hometown! The friends I've made, the families I've gotten to know and the friendly people who live in town are just some of the reasons why I will always Love Miami Lakes.
As a full time real estate agent, I specializing exclusively in selling Miami Lakes real estate. I've been a Florida, licensed real estate agent, since 1995. I'm a committed REALTOR®️ and the publisher of iLoveMiamiLakes.com. I'm associated with Morris Williams Realty, Inc., a state-of-the-art real estate company, with offices in California, Texas and Florida.
The first thing to know about me, is that my first passion, is my family! They are the inspiration in my life, and the reason behind everything I do. My second passion I can honestly say, is real estate. For me, there is no other profession that offers the rewards and the personal satisfaction of seeing so dreams realized and lives changed. I can't imagine doing anything else!
My personal motto for success is simple, "Amor Proximo Tuo" or "Love thy Neighbor". It perfectly encapsulates the principal that my personal success outside of my family, is only possible when I truly care for others and help them succeed in any good and common endeavor in which we engage together.
As professional REALTOR®️, I have a keen understanding that real estate is the largest instrument of wealth in the world, and as such, it has the power to transform the lives of my clients. Therefore, I deeply appreciate the critical role I play in any given transaction, when advising my clients in the very serious business of selling, purchasing or leasing real estate.
Thank you for visiting our website today. I urge you to explore the different pages and our services page, so you can discover everything it has to offer the community, you personally and your business. Additionally, I invite you to visit our blog page, where I regularly publish informative articles on real estate, other subjects of interest and Miami Lakes.
I encourage you to call me to just say hello, make any suggestions to improve the website or to ask me any questions you may have about Miami Lakes, and real estate.
In my heart, you will always my neighbor, and I always happy for the opportunity to contribute to your personal success!
Jesus M. Fernandez