Jesus M. Fernandez, REALTOR® 786-553-7530
Morris Williams Realty: 888-326-3949

There is no town like my hometown! I have it all here!

Cut from the same cloth. You are different and so are we!
Choosing To offer your home For Sale By Owner” tells us you are unconventional, and we can really appreciate that! It really says a lot about your sense of independence and level of confidence. Perhaps you have sold a property before and have a pretty good handle on all the aspects of the sale. In any case, we truly admire your desire to go at it alone. We are a bit different ourselves!
As professional agents, we truly respect your sincere desire to sell your home on your own. Perhaps, you believe that you can save on the real estate commission, and who can blame you? Who does not wan to save a dollar or two?
We also know it can be very stressful to price a home correctly, manage all the calls, appointments, qualifying buyers, negotiating terms, executing the contract and all the other details involved in a sale, without professional help. Just know, that if you ever need a question answered, just call. There is never an obligation! We are here to help!
We truly understand why you are trying to sell on your own. Most likely, you are trying to save money on the commission. Who can blame you? We all try to save money in one way or another, but when it comes to selling what may possible be one of your most valuable assets, such a decision can actually turn out to be more expensive. According to NAR, on average, a homeowner selling on their own, nets about 22% less without a Realtor. Hard to argue with statistical facts!
Below you will find helpful tips and suggestions, on how to sell without a real estate broker. We sincerely hope that you can sell it on your own. If later on you decide that its in your best interest to hire a broker, we hope you will consider hiring us, for the very important job of selling what may be one of your most valuable assets, your home.

Research recent sales in your neighborhood, to price your property to sell. Contact us for your free, no obligation Value Report.
Establish your asking price.
Set other sales terms, such as; type of buyer financing you will considered.
Decide which type of sales contract you will use, when selling.
Calculate selling expenses.
Calculate how much equity you have in your home.
Select a Closing Agent (title company or attorney).
Perform buyer screenings before agreeing to show your home.
Schedule showing appointments.
Show property and effectively sell its features.
Negotiate sale price and terms with buyer.
Execute the sale and purchase contract.
Determine who will hold the buyer's deposit.
Prepare the property for the buyer's inspection.
Address or negotiate any issues found during the inspection.
Handle any low appraisal issue, if the it comes below the agree to price.
Secure the loan commitment, with the buyer's lender.
Overcome any closing delays, to safeguard the sale.
Write closing date extension(s) if needed, to keep the sale from failing.
Address any cosmetic or delayed maintenance issues.
Clean the exterior- power wash or paint exterior walls.
Spruce up your landscaping and maintain lawn, while selling.
Remove any debris from property.
If you own a pool, make sure it sparkles.
Declutter and maintain the interior in showing condition.
If you have a garage, declutter and organize.
Replace dim or burned out lightbulbs. Replace with 75 watt bulbs or higher.
If you smoke or have pets, make sure to deodorize carpets and drapes.
Keep the interior and exterior of the property clean and orderly.
De-personalize as much as possible, by removing family photos.
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I'll spend the first four sharpening the axe."
-Abraham Lincoln
FSBO Tips -1

Purchase and install a for sale sign and water-proof flyer holder.
Prepare a property flyer, make copies and place in holder.
Talk to your neighbors and let them know you are selling. Give them a flyer and ask if they know anyone that may be interested.
Advertise your property in your local newspaper.
Advertise property on Craig's List and Zillow.
Post your property on this website's Community Board.
Place a flyer in your supermarket's community board.
Distribute your flyer among co-workers, friends and family.
Click below to learn about
the most common mistakes made
by Private Sellers,
and Security Measures you must take, to avoid becoming a victim of crime, in your own home.
If you have any questions regarding your private sale, you can always call us, free of any obligation. We are your neighbors and would like for you to succeed! Remember that you can post your home on our Community Board, to give your property additional market exposure. SEE POSTING GUIDELINES
Call us for a private consultation, about your personal selling situation.