Jesus M. Fernandez, REALTOR® 786-553-7530
Morris Williams Realty: 888-326-3949

There is no town like my hometown! I have it all here!

$1,000 Note Registration

Congratulations! If you are visiting this page, it is because you have received one or more $1,000 note(s) and wish to redeem them, towards the purchase or sale of real estate.
Each note has a unique serial number, which must be registered on this page, to qualify for this offer. Once registered, you will receive a $1,000 credit at closing, for each note you register, limited to $1,000 for every $100,000 of value, of the contracted price of the property you are selling or purchasing with us. For complete details click HERE.
To qualify for this special offer, enter your name, email address and the note's(s) unique serial numbers below. If you would like us to contact you by phone, include your telephone number. (Not required)
My personal motto for success is simple, "Amor Proximo Tuo" or "Love thy Neighbor". It perfectly encapsulates the principal that my personal success outside of my family, is only possible, when I truly care for my neighbors and help them succeed, in any good and common endeavor, in which we engage together.
Sharing part of my commission with you, truly blesses us, both!
Give me a cal!
I'm ready, willing and able to contribute to your success!

Jesus M. Fernandez, Website Publisher & Real Estate Advisor
(Miami Lakes & South Florida Region)
Direct: 786-553-7530
Morris Williams Realty, Inc.
Florida Headquarters:
389 Palm Coast Parkway SW, Suite 4
Palm Coast, Florida 32137
Office: 888-326-3949