Jesus M. Fernandez, REALTOR® 786-553-7530
Morris Williams Realty: 888-326-3949

There is no town like my hometown! I have it all here!

Hire a neighbor expert, to resolve open permit issues
When selling your home, if you have open permits, they can impact your ability to offer your property to the largest pool of buyers. Lenders, will not finance properties with open permits. This will limit your pool of buyers, to "cash-only" buyers, who can purchase and assume responsibility for the open permit. For their trouble, they typically ask for a huge discount.
If you have open permits, its best to close them. Call one of the permit resolution experts below. They are ready to help you resolve your permitting issues, so you can get more from the sale of your Miami Lakes home.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
-Benjamin Franklin
The companies listed below, are either located in-town, or their owner is a Miami Lakes resident.
ABC Permit Resolution Services
No reviews yet. Renovation & new construction
XXXXX NW 151Th St, Miami lakes, Fl 33014
(305) XXX-XXXX
Your neighbor, since 1988

Home Repair -3

Amor Proximo Tuo
" thy neighbor"
Your neighbor, since 1988

Home Repair -3