Jesus M. Fernandez, REALTOR® 786-553-7530
Morris Williams Realty: 888-326-3949

There is no town like my hometown! I have it all here!

Hire a property inspector, when buying or selling property
The property inspection companies listed below, either have a location in-town, or the owner is a Miami Lakes resident, unless there are no local providers in the categor
Bravo Inspections Group Inc.
Serving Miami Lakes, Miami Dade, Broward & Palm Beach
Direct: 954-839-5155
Email: BravoInspection@AOL.com
Web: BravoHomeInspectionService.com
Amor Proximo Tuo

" thy neighbor"
When selling or purchasing real estate, it is wise and prudent to have the property inspected. As a seller, you will safe-guard your sale by addressing any issue prior to the buyer's inspection. As a buyer, you will avoid purchasing a property that may have serious problems.
Whether you are selling or buying, call one of your neighbors, listed here. They are experts in their field and are ready to deliver the services you need, to spare you any surprises when selling g or buying.

Selling & Buying Tip
Your neighbor, since 1988
Bravo Inspections SAVES you money & gives you Peace of Mind!
Call us now! 954-839-5155
Visit our website to LEARN MORE

Home Repair -3
Your neighbor, since 1988

Home Repair -3