Jesus M. Fernandez, REALTOR® 786-553-7530
Morris Williams Realty: 888-326-3949

There is no town like my hometown! I have it all here!

Hire a neighbor law expert, when you need legal services
The legal professionals listed below, either have a business location in-town, or are Miami Lakes residents.
Pirez Law Firm
5979 N.W. 151st Street, Suite 112 Miami lakes, Fl 33014
Office: 786-953-8242
Email: dpirez@pirezlaw.com
Website: pirezlaw.com
Residential & Commercial Real Estate Advisory
Title - Probate -Foreclosure Defense

Your neighbor, since 2017
Elias Law Firm, PLLC
L. Robert Elias III
15500 New Barn Road #104
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Langbein & Langbein, P.A.
Leslie Langbein, Esq.
7480 Fairway Drive, Suite 209
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Puzo Hernandez Law
Leslie Puzo, Esq.
7980 NW 155th St., Suite A
Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Rarick & Beskin, P.A.
Phillip Rarick
6500 Cowpen Road, Suite 204
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Rodolfo M. Blanco, Esq.
Rodolfo Blanco
14406 N.W. 88th Ave.
Miami Lakes, FL 33018..305-915-4773 rudy4869@yahoo.com
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